Monday, October 19, 2009

Petaluma Pie Company Produce Swap

What is a garden produce swap?
It's a venue where gardeners can meet to swap whatever they've grown in their garden for something else grown by another gardener. For example: Bring the apples that'll probably end up on your lawn, and take home some tomatoes and peppers for dinner. You can avoid wasting food, you can share your garden produce and experiences with your neighbors, and you can take home some fresh produce from another garden.

Where is it held?
Outside Petaluma Pie Company, located in Helen Putnam Plaza on Petaluma Blvd. The actual address for Petaluma Pie Company is 125 Petaluma Blvd. North Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94952. Call for more info at Petaluma Pie Company, 707-347-9743,, email:

What if you haven't grown anything edible?
Bring what you do have. Flowers? Seedlings? Seeds? Herbs? Someone brought a bunch of fragrant lavendar blossoms that went fast.

What should you bring your produce in?
If your offerings are hidden in a bag, they might be overlooked. If you fold down the sides of a paper bag, it makes a decent bowl. Decorate it if you like. If you bring something other than paper to display your produce, please be prepared to take it home with you. And please don't bring an overwhelming amount of anything. The purpose is to share, not unload. You can bring more to the next swap. Please bring a bag(s) in which to transport home whatever you swap for.

Tell your friends! Hope to see you there!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great Idea!
    We have figs and hopefully persimons soon too!
    Looking forward to seeing you there.


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